
Welcome to our booking software by CleanCloud.

Please note Online booking is for Laundry service only. To book a Cleaning services, please email us.

You can sign in below or you can also download the CleanCloud App! If you use the App, search for Suds Laundry. Be careful not to select another near by business. Look for our Logo and exact name, "Suds Laundry". 

*if this is your first booking, you must add a credit card on your account. You can do this under your profile settings. If you have any troubles or prefer to book your pickup over the phone, please call 905-336-0178 between 8am - 8pm. 7 days a week. 

The laundry preferences questions are only asked on your initial sign-up and they are saved. Prefer Hypoallergenic detergent? Or No dryer sheets? Just set your preferences in your account info to let us know. There are no extra charges for hypoallergenic products. 

You can also write any additional notes/instructions in the Saved Order Notes field. You can update your info and preferences at any time. 

Please read the Laundry Services page in full. By booking an appointment, you acknowledge all terms. 

